class ID3::Frame

This class models ID3-Frames independent of the D3-version, e.g. 2.2.0, 2.3.0, 2.4.0    This module tries to hide all the ugly details about the Frame-internals and how to parse each Frame-type for each ID3-version.

The user doesn't need to use any of the methods provided by this module, but s/he can access the Instance Variables to examine each Frame.

Each Frame is organized as a "ordered Hash" , to preserve the order of it's fields, as they are defined by the ID3-standard

Because the names of the ID3-Frames vary between the ID3-versions, we are using a symbolic name to reference the Frame, not it's real (short) name.

Provided Functionality:

Instance Variables:

Instance Methods:


	> require 'id3'
=> true

# here we're just creating an ID3::Tag2 object and read-in an mp3-file

> t =
=> {}
=> true
> t.version
=> "2.2.0"
> t.keys

# NOW let's look at the internals of a Frame:

> t['ARTIST']
=> {"encoding"=>0, "text"=>"Juno reactor"}

> t['ARTIST'].keys
=> ["encoding", "text"]

> t['ARTIST'].order
=> ["encoding", "text"]

# PLEASE NOTE that the author does not have expertise with other than western character encodings..
# I'd like to hear some input how this can be implemented better.. and if/how Ruby can detect
# the character encoding of a string which was provided by the user

> t['ARTIST']['text'] = "Juno Reactor"
=> "Juno Reactor"

> t['ARTIST'].raw
=> "TP1\000\000\016\000Juno reactor\000"

> t['ARTIST'].rawheader
=> "TP1\000\000\016"

> t['ARTIST'].rawdata
=> "\000Juno reactor\000"

# a lot of the really useful Frame types are text frames..

=> {"encoding"=>0, "text"=>"Electronica/Dance"}

> t['YEAR']
=> {"encoding"=>0, "text"=>"1997"}

> t['SONGLEN']
=> {"encoding"=>0, "text"=>"258847"}